An endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram (ERCP) test checks the tubes (ducts) that drain the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. This procedure is performed by placing a flexible, lighted scope (endoscope) through the mouth, throat, and stomach and then onward, ultimately to the ducts that your gastroenterologist wants to examine. ERCP can diagnose and treat certain problems found during the test.

We strongly encourage you to visit [Healthlink BC] to learn more about the procedure.

[Here] is our standard preparation sheet for ERCP. Your doctor may modify these instructions to meet your needs, and such details will be provided to you.

This procedure is usually performed under a general anesthetic. You will be contacted by KGH Pre-Surgical Screening (PSS) for a consult with the anesthesiologist. This is usually done by telehealth, but you may be asked to come to the Kelowna General Hospital for an evaluation. Most patients are discharged on the same day, the anesthesiologist will let you know if you will be required to stay overnight.